
Training is critical to the mission of Delaware County ARES-RACES. Like other emergency personnel and first responders, experience gained through training and drilling results in positive outcomes for communications volunteers. ARES-RACES units are dedicated to training and devote much effort to learning necessary skills and protocols.

As new technologies, techniques and protocols in communication emerge, ARES-RACES personnel must stay one step ahead to provide the high level of professionalism expected by the agencies they serve.

Training Images

ARRL ARES Training

Level 1

ARES TRAINING LEVEL                                                                    

Level 1

This is the primary level for those who choose a non-leadership role as well as those new to Amateur Radio or emergency communications.  This introductory training is conducted by the local ARES group to meet its needs and those of its served agency or partners.  This training could be formal or informal and would introduce the ARES participant to the fundamentals of emergency communications and provide instructions on how participants are to conduct themselves while serving in the field or otherwise activated.  Participants are encouraged to complete Level 1 and advance to level 2 as soon as practical.


ICS‐100.c‐ Intro to Incident Command System1 (O)
ICS‐700.b Introduction to National Incident Mgt. System1 (O)
SKYWARN - Spotter Basic Training (Biennially) (O)
ARRL EC-001 Introduction to Emergency Communications (O)


Obtain Task Book (R)
Join an ARES group (R)


Obtain Technician class or higher Amateur Radio License (R)

Level 2

ARES TRAINING LEVEL                                                                    

Level 2

This training level builds upon what has been learned in Level 1, and participants in Level 2 may elect to remain at this level based upon the extent of their desired ARES involvement.  Much of this training is conducted by the local ARES group to meet its needs and those of their served agency or partners and provides a better understanding of emergency communications. Participants in Level 2 may wish to continue with Level 3 and the potential for leadership roles.


ICS‐100.c ‐ Intro to Incident Command System2 (R)
ICS‐200.c - ICS for Single Resource2 (R)
ICS‐700.b - Introduction to National Incident Mgt. System2 (R)
ICS‐800.c - National Response Framework2 (R)
ARRL EC‐001 Intro to Emergency Communications (R)
SKYWARN Spotter Basic Training (Biennially) (O)
Net Participation (Once per Quarter) (R)
Public Service Event Participation (O)
Simulated Emergency Test or Exercise Participation (Annually) (O)
Serve as Net Control (O)


Program tone into HT (R)
Program frequency & offset into radio (R)
Write and send an ICS‐213 message (R)
Operate VHF Digital messaging station (O)
Operate unit specific Digital VHF or HF station (O)
Build a simple dipole antenna3 (E)
Build Powerpole adapter cable3 (E)
Solder PL259 connector to coax3 (E)
Assemble a 24-hour Deployment Kit4 (E)

Level 3

ARES TRAINING LEVEL                                                                    

Level 3

This training level builds upon what has been learned in Level 1 and 2.  Much of this training is conducted by the local ARES group to meet its needs and those of their served agency or partners and provides a better understanding of emergency communications. Level 3 prepares the participant to take on ARES Team leadership roles in his/her ARES group or section.  


IS-120.c - An Introduction to Exercises2 (R)
IS-230.d - Fundamentals of Emergency Management2 (R)
IS-235.c - Emergency Planning2 (R)
IS‐240.b ‐ Leadership & Influence2 (R)
IS-241.b - Decision Making & Problem Solving2 (R)
IS-242.b - Effective Communications2 (R)
IS-244.b - Developing & Managing Volunteers2 (R)
IS-288.a - Role of Voluntary organizations in Emergency Mgt2 (R)
IS-2200 - Basic Emergency Operations Center Functions2 (R)
ARRL EC-016 Public Service & Emergency Communications Mgt2 (R)
SKYWARN Advanced Training Class (Biennially) (O)
PR‐101 -Public Information Officer Training (EC‐015) (O)
AUXCOM Course (O)
ICS-300 - Incident Command System for Expanding Incidents (O)
ICS-400 - Advanced Incident Command System (O)


Net Participation (Once per Quarter) (R)
Public Service Event Participation (Annually) (R)
Simulated Emergency Test or Exercise Participation (Bi‐Annually) (R)
Serve as Net Control (R)
Present a training session (R)

Hold/held a leadership position in a group (R)

Hold a General Class License or higher (O)
Participate in PIO activities (PR‐101 Qualifies) (R)
EC-001 Course Instructor/Mentor (O)
Proficient in using ICS forms (R)
Operate VHF Digital messaging station in Peer‐to‐peer mode (R)
Operate HF Digital Mode Messaging Station (R)
Program Tone into HT (R)
Program frequency & offset into radio (R)
Demonstrate cross band repeat on Mobile Radio (UHF-VHF) (O)


R = Required, O = Optional, E = Encouraged


1 Sets initial baseline requirements. Will be insufficient for deployment at an incident.

2 These should be considered as meeting the minimum requirements for deployment at an Incident.  Local EMA authorities may require additional training.

3 Skills that are especially useful to know and everyone is encouraged to learn.

4 The contents of a 24-hour Kit will be specified in either a separate document or as an Annex to this document.

EPA and Mid-Atlantic ARESMAT Training

Level 4


ARESMAT Task Book (Levels 4 and 5).  These are the requirements to be eligible for ARES Mutual Assistance Team deployment in the Mid-Atlantic Region.  This is a great concept, although please keep in mind that it is still in the initial phase of coordination within the Mid-Atlantic region.  Level 4 is for EPA ARESMAT.


ARRL EC‐001 Intro to Emergency Communications (R)
ICS‐100.c ‐ Intro to Incident Command System (R)
ICS‐200.c - ICS for Single Resource (R)
ICS‐700.b - Introduction to National Incident Mgt. System (R)
ICS‐800.c - National Response Framework (R)
ICS-300 - Incident Command System for Expanding Incidents (O)
ICS-400 - Advanced Incident Command System (O)
Communications Unit Leader COML (O)
Communications Unit Technician COMT (O)
AUXCOM Course (O)
Hold a Technician Class License or higher (R)
Hold a General Class License or higher (RHF)


Program radio using reference sheet or instruction manual (R)
Setup and troubleshoot VHF/UHF voice and antenna with manual (R)
Setup and troubleshoot HF voice and NVIS antenna with manual (RHF)
Proficiency with ICS Form ICS-205 (R)
Proficiency with ICS Form ICS-214 (R)
Proficiency with ICS Form ICS-309 (R)
Proficiency with ICS Form ICS-213 (R)
Voice Message Handling with ARRL and ICS-213 formats (R)
Digital Message Handling with Winlink - RF (R)
Digital Message Handling with FLDIGI/FLMSG (RSNJ)
Simulated Emergency Test or Exercise Participation (Annually) (R)
Public Service Event Participation (R)
Serve as Net Control (R)


Participate in ARESMAT training sessions, as necessary (R)
Collaborate cooperatively with served local team and served agencies (R)

Level 5


ARESMAT Task Book (Levels 4 and 5).  These are the requirements to be eligible for ARES Mutual Assistance Team deployment in the Mid-Atlantic Region.  This is a great concept, although please keep in mind that it is still in the initial phase of coordination within the Mid-Atlantic region. Level 5 is for Mid-Atlantic ARESMAT.


ARRL EC‐001 Intro to Emergency Communications (R)
ARRL EC-016 Public Service & Emergency Communications Mgt 1 (O)
WebEOC (required annually) (DMDC)
ICS‐100.c ‐ Intro to Incident Command System (R)
ICS‐200.c - ICS for Single Resource (R)
ICS‐700.b - Introduction to National Incident Mgt. System (R)
ICS‐800.c - National Response Framework (R)
ICS-300 - Incident Command System for Expanding Incidents 1 (O)
ICS-400 - Advanced Incident Command System 1 (O)
Communications Unit Leader COML 1 (O)
Communications Unit Technician COMT 1 (O)
AUXCOM Course (O)
Hold a Technician Class License or higher (R)
Hold a General Class License or higher (RHF)


Program radio using reference sheet or instruction manual (R)
Setup and troubleshoot VHF/UHF voice and antenna with manual (R)
Setup and troubleshoot HF voice and NVIS antenna with manual (OSNJ)
Proficiency with ICS Form ICS-205 (R)
Proficiency with ICS Form ICS-214 (R)
Proficiency with ICS Form ICS-309 (R)
Digital Message Handling with Winlink - RF (OMDC)
Digital Message Handling with FLDIGI/FLMSG (RSNJ)
Assemble 72 hour deployment kit (R)
Simulated Emergency Test or Exercise Participation (Annually) (R)
Public Service Event Participation (R)
Serve as Net Control (R)


Participate in ARESMAT training sessions, as necessary (R)
Collaborate cooperatively with served local team and served agencies (R)


R = Required, RHF = Indicates required FCC license for operating frequency within HF bands, while Technician can assist, O = Optional, RXXX = Required by Section


1 Required for ARESMAT Team Leaders.

Level 4 EPA ARESMAT members are required to provide Emergency Contact information in ARES Connect or on application.

Level 5 Mid-Atlantic ARESMAT members are required to provide Emergency Contact information in ARES Connect or on application.